Invoking the Pillar of Light

This daily meditation will ensure that you are connected to Spirit in all that you do. Its best to create a daily routine, possibly when you first wake up. You can also use it throughout your day if you feel negative or dark energy within your space. It is essential to Spiritual work and should be done prior to doing healing, meditation, psychic or energy work.

“Darkness cannot exist where Light exists.”

Invoking the Pillar of Light Instructions:
With deep breaths, relax.
Focus on a white light in the center of your chest.
Breathe in, the light expands.
Breathe out it holds its shape.
Breathe in and out expanding that light.
Once your chest is full of light and feels like it’s about to burst…
Send the light up through your body, from your heart chakra, through your throat, third eye and crown chakras, to the center of the universe.
Here you will connect with the Divine Father energy.
The Divine Father’s energy is blue, cool, protective, crystalline energy and you will feel and see this in your connection.
Pull it back down into your body.
Allow it to expand within you and through you.
Breathe in and focus on your white light again.
Once again, expand your white light to fill your chest.
Send your white light down through your body, from your heart chakra, through your solar plexus, sacral and root charkras.
Allow the light to travel down your body, out of the bottom of your feet, to the center of the earth.
Here you will connect with the Divine Mother energy. This energy is warm, comforting and supportive golden energy and you will feel and see this in your connection.
Pull it back up from the earth inside you through the bottom of your feet. Allow it to travel up your body and expand through every cell of your being.
You are now connected to the Pillar of Light.

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